If you are familiar with this blog then you know that one of the roles of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) is to audit IRS programs and operations to ensure they are functioning properly. And while it is certainly not their objective to extend tax relief to the masses, they must administer taxes fairly and competently.
Most of my TIGTA blog posts have to do with the TIGTA Office of Audit and their dreadfully boring reports. But did you know that there is a separate Office within TIGTA — the Office of Investigations — that investigates and reports on much juicier topics?
According to the Office of Investigations (OI), their role is to address “threats arising from (1) lapses in IRS employee integrity, (2) violence directed against the IRS, and (3) external attempts to corruptly interfere with federal tax administration.” In other words, the OI is responsible for nailing obstinate or potentially dangerous taxpayers and corrupt IRS employees.
Every week the OI highlights a couple new investigations complete with names, dates, dollar amounts, and all the gory details. They keep an archive of investigation highlights going back to 2004, and updates are available by email so you can be the first to know.