What’s with Floridians and their Penchant for Tax Crimes?

I recently blogged about how Florida is becoming a hotbed of tax crimes.  The US Department of Justice issued a press release this week about a Floridian who appears to be engaging in illegal tax activities right from his prison cell.  I say “appears to be” because, procedurally, this is still just a grand jury indictment, not a conviction.

David Marrero has been charged with corruptly endeavoring to obstruct the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and filing false claims.  He filed false tax returns in hopes of getting a refund from the government.  He even went so far as to prepare bogus income docs to support his fraudulent refund claims.  Marrero also used other peoples’ financial information as part of his scheme — a common technique in the underground business of false return filing.  If you have tax problems, hopefully this story makes them seem small in comparison.

The IRS has promised to scrutinize return preparer certifications that are issued to inmates, perhaps they should also be taking a careful look at any and all returns filed from prisons.  I’m sure they already are, and that is probably why David Marrero’s strategy failed.  So much for getting out early for good behavior…

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