In these days of FATCA and offshore accounts, for some it is hard to imagine those days when the preferred place to hide money was under a mattress or in a backyard hole. There could be many reasons for wanting to conceal one’s true wealth, but few of them tend to be very honest. Although, I suppose some people just don’t trust themselves to spend their own money responsibly.
The technicians at Clark & Rush, a Sacramento-based heating & A/C company, found $300,000 worth of gold dust packed away in 12 old baby food jars. They happened upon the stash in September while doing an installation on an old home in Sacramento. The gold dust was given to the homeowners who requested that their names not be made public. Looks like somebody has some secrets.
Some people try to illegally hide money and assets from the IRS, and there is literally no end to the creativity. But whether it is done in an effort to pay less taxes or to escape the collection arm of the IRS in an asset seizure situation, it is the wrong approach to tax relief. No competent tax relief attorney will ever advise you or help you to do this. A tax attorney will assist you with tax avoidance so that you pay only as much as you are legally required to pay, but will never help you with illegal tax evasion.