As predicted, the recent $104 million IRS whistleblower payout awarded to Bradley Birkenfeld has resulted in an uptick in new whistleblower claims. So say the tax attorneys who handle these sorts of cases.
And why would you need an attorney to help you “blow the whistle”? That’s a very good question. Often times the whistleblower is not 100% fault free himself, as was the case for Mr. Birkenfeld, who spent time in prison for his misdeeds before the IRS made him rich. Also there’s the fact that the IRS has a reputation for not making good on its promises of remuneration, or taking an inordinate amount of time to do so. A whistleblower attorney can help cut through red tape almost as effectively as a tax relief attorney can help you resolve tax debt. The IRS is trying to change its image, however, and the Birkenfeld case has been a public relations “grand slam.”
Apparently these new whistleblower inquiries are not garbage either. According to one lawyer, people are coming forward with some high-quality information.