Due in part to the state of our economy, there are many people who don’t pay their taxes because they can’t afford to pay. Many of these people can find the tax relief they are looking for by enlisting the assistance of a CPA or tax attorney. However, the IRS seems to be very interested in pursuing criminal charges lately. The IRS has been known to make an example of a few high-profile cases to encourage compliance with the tax laws among average citizens. Here is yet another example:
Identity: Arvind Ahuja, Wisconsin neurosurgeon
Offense: 4 counts of hiding money in offshore accounts & 4 counts of filing false tax returns
Amount of Money Involved: $8.7 million in accounts & $1.2 million of unreported interest income
Other Players: HSBC India has helped other clients like Ahuja hide funds offshore
More Info: USA v Arvind Ahuja, No. 11-cr-135, in U.S. District Court for the ED-WI