On this day in 2000, the first season finale of the reality show “Survivor” aired on CBS, with contestant Richard Hatch winning the $1 million prize . . . that he never paid taxes one. See full story here.
Hatch spent more than three years in prison for not paying taxes on “Survivor” winnings. He was released in 2009 and ordered to refile his 2000 and 2001 taxes and pay what he owed, but he never did, so he was returned to prison. He is appealing this decision and wants a court-appointed attorney to help him, claiming that he is destitute and completely unable to pay for counsel himself.
Hatch claims the Internal Revenue Service has yet to inform him how much he owes on his winnings from 10 years ago. He also says he has new evidence indicating the taxes are due to the government of Malaysia, where the first season was filmed, and not to the United States. It doesn’t look like he’s going to get a court-appointed attorney, and it is going to be an uphill climb for him to get the tax relief he seeks without one.