Helpful EDD DE1 Form Tax Hack for California Employers

If you are a California employer, you likely have lots of tax responsibilities including fulfilling your IRS and California payroll tax obligations and tax compliance responsibilities. Not only do California employers need to pay their employees a reasonable wage, but they also have to be compliant with the Employment and Development Department (EDD) filing requirements.

The EDD is California’s state taxing entity for payroll filing compliance. One of the first forms needed to proceed with processing payroll for your employees is EDD Form DE1. EDD Form DE1 is usually completed online. If your business entity is a California corporation you need to have an active status with California’s Secretary of State. Once active, entities are issued a California Secretary of State corporation number.

While online transmissions and processing are sometimes convenient, there are sometimes “glitches” especially when the government is involved. Such is the case with the EDD’s Form DE1. To complete EDD Form DE1 online, a California corporate employer needs to enter their California Secretary of State corporate number. However, due to a glitch created by updates over the years, a hack is needed to complete this tax form. The nerds who programmed the EDD’s Form DE1 programed the processing of the form were so brilliant that the user attempting to complete the Form DE1 Is unable to proceed in processing or completing the form unless the California Secretary of State corporate number is provided. However, due to nerd complexities and glitches, the end user needs to know a simple hack to help them overcome the EDD Form DE1 glitch.

To overcome the EDD nerd glitch, the end user needs to Enter the letter “C” before entering the California Secretary of State number on the EDD website. Once the glitch is overcome by this tax hack, the end user should receive a confirmation number for processing the EDD Form DE1 application which should take approximately ten business days.

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