Tax Audits and Exams
The IRS often sends out a notice indicating that they will be taking a closer look at your tax return. When you’re up against the IRS, an organized approach and an understanding of tax law and procedure is crucial when defending your tax return. With an audit, the IRS will ask for clarification of an item(s) on one or more tax returns. They will often require proof of transactions reflected on the return, and if they don’t receive sufficient explanation and cannot provide the requested documentation, the IRS will make adjustments to the tax return that will result in an even higher tax liability.
Our firm provides tax audit help, guiding clients to focus on the right questions during the process. The main focus should be on presenting the supporting documents in an organized, well-reasoned manner. To make it through this part of an audit, the taxpayer must have the documentation to support their expenses and a legal basis for claiming them. We know how invasive and intimidating an audit can be, especially if you go unrepresented and unprepared. Call us for a free consultation see how we can provide you with IRS tax audit help. You’re in good hands with us.